International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)

International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)

  The national committees of the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) in Spain and Portugal are jointly hosting the Ibero-American Conference on Electric Infrastructures and Avifauna on the 21st of September. This event will feature experts...
The e-faunalert platform celebrates five years

The e-faunalert platform celebrates five years

The platform went live in 2018 and now that it is 5 years old, we make a summary of the main achievements. So far, 55 users have registered and have characterised almost 1,600 supports in 10 different countries, 4 European (Spain, UK, Greece and Portugal), 2 Asian...
International Conference on the Impact of Power Lines

International Conference on the Impact of Power Lines

Last May 23rd and 24th, an international conference on best practices for mitigating the risks of electrocution and collision in power lines was held in Cagliari, on the island of Sardinia, Italy. The conference was organized within the framework of the Life LIFE Safe...