free citizen science mobile application
A tool for actionE-FAUNALERT is a free, easy-to-use mobile application that has been created for everyone and for everywhere to help identify these dangerous spots for birds but also for
other animals like mammals or reptiles.
After registering and creating your profile in the app, you will be able to upload pictures and describe where electrocutions or collisions have been identified or contribute to characterize power lines in order to map potentially dangerous structures and areas. The information will be available through this website, once logged in.
With this citizen science app, everyone can do his/her bit to support the conservation community in its efforts to implement mitigation measures and protect these majestic species.
News and updates

IUCN and REDEIA join forces to promote more nature-friendly energy infrastructure in Spain and Latin America
The two organizations sign an agreement that will allow them to work together to prevent and reduce the impact of electrical infrastructure on birds “This partnership is one that is very valuable to IUCN, working with Redeia to transform the energy sector and work...

Update of the legislation on power lines in Spain, a pioneer country in this type of regulation
In 2008, Spain set a milestone in the protection of birdlife against collision and electrocution on power lines with the approval of Royal Decree 1432/2008, dated August 29. This is a basic industrial safety regulation that establishes technical specifications for...

Seventh Meeting of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals Energy Task Force (CMS ETF)
The CMS Energy Task Force ( is a multi-stakeholder platform that works towards reconciling renewable energy developments with the conservation of migratory species. The Energy Task Force has held yearly meetings since...
Next meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS
The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (COP14 CMS) will be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from 12 to 17 February 2024. Among the topics on the official agenda is "Renewable energy...
What we do
Existing Records

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With this citizen science app, everyone can do his/her bit to support the conservation community in its efforts to implement mitigation measures and protect these majestic species.

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About Us
In 2015 IUCN-Med started cooperation activities with North African countries to address the conservation of raptors in the region, highlighting the threat that the electricity cables pose to birds. In this regard, several meetings and workshops were held in Spain, Morocco and Tunisia to promote practical training and knowledge exchange between experts and managers in the Mediterranean region.
Who We are
The e-faunalert app is a joint effort of the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med) and Fundación Amigos del Águila Imperial Ibérica, el Lince Ibérico y Espacios Naturales Privados and it is funded by Mava Foundation. To learn more about how this project was born, check our timeline below