The CMS Energy Task Force ( is a multi-stakeholder platform that works towards reconciling renewable energy developments with the conservation of migratory species. The Energy Task Force has held yearly meetings since 2016. The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) of Spain has kindly extended an invitation to host the Seventh Meeting ETF in Madrid, Spain. The event is scheduled to take place from 24 to 26 April 2024. The main objectives of the ETF7 meeting are:
Assess progress made regarding the implementation of the ETF workplan
Agree on priorities and discuss next steps of the ETF
Share recent developments and key activities by members and observers within the ETF
Share updates from the ETF Sub-Working Groups: the Technical Working Group (TWG), Powerlines Working Group (PWG), and the Raptors MOU Electrocution Discussion Group
Elect a new Chair and Vice Chair for the ETF.
For further information: